$220.00 / person
(at 8:1 ratio)Start a new trip
An AST1 course specially focused for youth.
The Avalanche Skills Training One is an introductory avalanche course designed for individuals with little to no avalanche related experience. Students will learn to recognize avalanche terrain, gain the skills to initiate and manage a self rescue, have a basic understanding of how weather contributes to avalanche hazard, be able to understand and interpret avalanche bulletins and the hazard scale, be able to interpret and utilize the Avaluator card and learn basic analysis of layers in the snowpack. This is a two day course with one evening session.
Included in the price:
Instructor, Avaluator, use of transceiver, shovel, probe, industry recognized certificate of completion.
Not included in the price:
Transportation, food, accommodation, lift tickets and personal clothing and equipment (list supplied on booking). Transport, food and accommodation logistics are being coordinated by ACCVI. Contact Harry Steiner for more information. Lift tickets may be optional depending on conditions and group desires.
My two 15 year old sons and I took the AST 1 course last weekend. I came away from the two days with a keen appreciation of how little I knew about avalanche danger. The boys actually admitted that they had learned a lot! And they had fun. Jan was great. I look back at this being one of the best things I have done for my kids in a long time. It could save their lives. Thanks.Paul Cosulich, Vancouver, BC.