Some Date Changes

Posted on May 17, 2012

We've had the dates for some of our upcoming courses and trips change and have added some new trips as well. Here's a snapshot of some of what is coming up:

Saturday 26 May - Skiing/Riding Spring Lines on Mount Arrowsmith

Sunday 3 June - One Day Crevasse Rescue Workshop

Saturday/Sunday 2/3 June - Traditional Rock Leading Course

Saturday/Sunday 9/10 June - Intro to Rock Climbing

Saturday-Monday 30 June - 2 July (Canada Day Long Week end) - 3 Day Alpine Skills Course

Saturday-Monday 30 June - 2 July (Canada Day Long Week end) - Fly in Mountain Skills Course

July 14/15 - Introduction to Rock Climbing July 20-25 - Nootka Trail Hike

July 28/30 - Tantalus Range Ascents

There is much more going on yet this summer and remember that the way we prefer to set dates for trips is for you to let us know when you want them to happen. So get in touch and choose some dates for your Island adventures this summer!

Enjoy the weather!
